10 Fashion mistakes women always Make

10 Fashion mistakes women always Make Hi, guys welcome back to my website that I always see women making now I doubt anyone does all of these 10 things at the same time but I am sure we can all relate to some of these things at one time or another am definitely guilty of some of these fashion mistakes, so this obviously does include fashion and mishaps but it also includes a bit of style as well, so all of this is purely in my opinion, So if you disagree that is totally fine.  You rock your style the way you want it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks but I do hope you enjoy these top 10 fashion mistakes, and you learn something along the way but if you do happen to be new here then welcome my name is Imdad and I would love for you to consider visiting my website. I know everybody does this classic kind of annoying interests sometimes? And you are probably going to visiting again or not regardless of what I say but I did start my website less than a year ago, and I am almost approaching 100,000 visitors, so that is crazy to me I would love for you to consider visiting my website again and again for new articles if you haven't already. I mainly write articles on fashion and styles. 

The first mistake that I often see women making is wearing shoes or heels that are the wrong size many people love shoe shopping. I love shoe shopping, but a lot of times when I go shopping if at the end of the day, maybe after work maybe after a long shopping trip you know you go into a shoe store you will try shoes on and you buy them, but at the end of the day is when your feet are the most swollen so you will try on shoes think they fit perfectly? purchase them and then go to wear them you know you put them on before work you put them on before church or wherever you are going in the morning, and then they are slightly too big a lot of people are kind of lazy and they decide not to return the shoes and they think that they can just kind of get by with the size they purchased, But I can always see this tiny little gap between the shoe and the heel and that just doesn't look good. I can see this a mile away and it really does bring down an outfit when you are polished from top to bottom but your shoes don't fit right, sometimes it even makes the person not really walk as well as they would have if they just had the right fitting shoes especially with heels. 

The second fashion mistake that I always see women making is wearing too much jewelry a lot of women think that they always have to have something in their ears and on their neck. I do think there are certain pieces of jewelry that you can definitely combine and lay on and it looks amazing. An example would be my Miranda Prize jewelry that is pretty much always seeing me wear in almost every party and functions. They did give me a discount code. I love giving it out to people you do save 10% I am wearing my lift threads, I am wearing my Haley necklace. This is this one, and this is the Kingsley necklace. I love all of their jewelry am constantly talking about it, and I love how no matter what you can definitely always you know layer everything. But I don't ever think its too much but the problem comes in when you wear a very chunky necklace and feel the need to then put on a stay matte pair of earrings that are just way, too much if you are wearing a bold pair of earrings. Then just skip the necklace if you are wearing a very bold necklace then just skip the earrings but when in doubt just go for the more dainty, gold, silver, tone jewelry and I think you will be set.

The third fashion mistake goes along with the last one which is not wearing any jewelry at allNow I understand it just can be a personal preference, and that's totally fine if jewelry is not your thing, however, I do think jewelry is kind of like the icing on the cake.  I often think about it as you do a full face of makeup but just leaving off the lipstick and that just doesn't look right so in my opinion. I love dressing up my outfit was really nice jewelry it doesn't have to be crazy expensive or anything but it really does put the icing on the cake or on the outfit.

The fourth fashion mistake is cat hair or lint now if you are a pet owner, you definitely know what I am talking about and if we are not a pet owner then you are probably going to think I am crazy, but I am 100% guilty of this we do have two cats in our house and we try our best to keep on top of the fur and Vacuuming but no matter what if I put on a black pair of pants a navy shirt a dark jacket anything that is dark it attracts fur like crazy but if you don't have pets you probably still occasionally get lint from maybe a blanket or different types of materials and you do see kind of like the lint or the fur on the dark shirts or pants or whatever. So I cannot leave the house without lint rolling my entire outfit if its dark some people do choose to skip this step and they leave the house and you can see it in certain shadows that there is lint cat fur. It's very subtle oftentimes but it's still there and there are lid rollers in almost every single grocery store aisle for 99 cents. I have one in my kitchen I have one in my bedroom and I have one in my car and any time my outfit is showing any sign or shadow of lint or cat fur. I am rolling my outfit, and then I am leaving the house looking good. 

The fifth mistake is chipped nails now I know there are tons of people out there that are very on top of this. They never let their nails look terrible. They are very polished and manicured with their nails, but then others kind of you know let it goIts not really that important to them like many of my other tips if your outfit is put together your makeups on the point you have a fabulous handbag your shoes look great, but you have terribly chipped polished nails. Then it just doesn't look good. It brings down the entire look. So what's really helps me with this is actually paying to get a gel or shellac nails at a local salon and by the wayGel and shellac are the same thing it like, took me a few months to figure that out. It's really not that expensive It's usually around twenty to twenty-five dollars depending on where you live and where you go and everything. But it really stops your nails from chipping mean, I go two to three weeks and my nails don't chip at all the only reason. I have to go back to get a different you to know the color is because my nails actually start to grow out, and there is a gap between my cuticles and my nails. I will go back and they will change out the color and I will start the process over again and it's another twenty to twenty-five dollars it really honestly saves me a lot of time don't have to worry about chipping nails. I don't have to paint my nails every other day. It's just a lifesaver, and I really do recommend it for a while and you will notice that I usually do have neutral or a very light color and nail polish on and that is for two reasons. I actually do just really like light colors and neutral colors It's only because if I wear a dark gel polish, then when my nails start to grow out. It's a lot more obvious that I need to get the polish change where if I do a light color that is kind of close to my skin tone. It doesn't have to be brown it could be light pink could be like a Whitish color but light colors really kind of mask or hide the fact that you need your nails done again. So its just not as obvious and I can really extend the length of time in between getting my gel polish changed. 

The sixth mistake Is Saggy Jeans also known as Diaper. But I gonna thank my husband for coining the term Diaper Butt he is the one that made it up, because many years ago when we first got married. He started to notice that a lot of the jeans that I was wearing kind of sagged. And he said that I looked like I had a diaper but so he was always always always saying you are wearing your diaper but jeans now once he pointed that out. I have started seeing so many women everywhere in the grocery store Just at the mall like everywhere kind of with this diaper. When people buy jeans the jeans in the store like in the fitting room are the tightest they are ever going to be so People try them on in a dressing room. They buy the ones that fit the best they go home. They start wearing it and as they start wearing it the first two or three times the jeans start to stretch out a little bit over time usually within a month. The jeans do not fit nearly as well as when they did in the dressing room. So what I like to do is when I am buying jeans I actually go as midge tighter than what I really want them to look like that way after I wear them a few times usually two or three times they really kind of stretch out to be exactly the perfect fit. I no longer have diaper butt my jeans fit really great and look pretty good. I am a happy camper, and so is my husband. 

The seventh mistake is when women always buy the same size clothing. I often hear people say oh I am a size six or on the sides four, I am a size 12, and then they just fix that number because of that's what they are. I am always really confused by that because of every single brand style just everything in general. I am completely different sizes for every single thing I really do love online shopping in it at the same time it is hard for me because I really never know what size. I am going to be so a lot of times when I do online shopping I end up having to return a good amount of things because I want it to fit perfectly so in one brand I might be a size zero the next brand I might be a size four and then the next one I might be a size two and that is all even dependent upon the actual style of the shirt or pants or whatever I am wearing. You would be surprised by how many people buy the size they think they are, or they should be rather than what flatters them the best.

The eighth fashion mistake that I often see women making a wrinkled button-down shirts now for men and women button-down shirts are Notorious for being wrinkled looking wrinkle, in general, doesn't look good, but for some reason I see it the most when it comes to button-down shirt I think its probably because they are the most difficult to iron you have to you know make the sleeve lay really flat you go around all the buttons there is the collar to worry about you guys know what I mean now. If you have been visiting my website for a while you know that. I am a huge lover of buying more inexpensive clothing, and then really dressing up the outfit with designer accessories like handbags or designer shoes that kind of a thing, but when it comes to button-down shirts I really think it's important to actually invest in high-quality brands and materials for that particular type of clothing. I have so many forever 21 or hi button-down shirts and those materials are obviously a lot cheaper than higher end brands those shirts wrinkle like crazy. I could spend 25 minutes ironing the shirt to perfection, but as soon as I get into the car I twist, and I turn or I go about my day. Its immediately wrinkled again, So I found that when I invest in higher quality materials for Button-down shirts its a lot easier to actually iron the shirt, but then the wrinkles stay away all day long. So that is why sometimes investing and high-quality brands can be well worth it and maybe that's why you will like my website. 

The ninth fashion mistake might be a no-brainer but it is dirty shoes again you would think this would be a no-brainer, right? but I see this all the time a lot of people would never ever walk around with muddy shirts or muddy Pants or mud across their face. But yet, a lot of people find that its acceptable to have really dirty shoes now I do understand this some of the time a lot of times I do see it with tennis shoes or sneakers or like boots in the fall like maybe people are going pumpkin patch picking and you know they are out and about outdoors and I totally get why it happens but I think a lot of people kind of forget to actually clean their shoes and then they continue to go out and it just doesn't look really great cleaning off your shoes will not only be good for the shoes but it will actually extend the life of them, and it will make your outfit look 10 times better.

The tenth mistake which is very close to my heart because if you guys know me or you have been visiting my website for a while you guys know a happy love for handbags more specifically designer handbags, I mean like any handbags are really good but the tenth mistake that I always see women making is not changing out your handbag for the occasion now.  Not everybody has to have a huge handbag collection or it can be remotely interested in handbags like I am, I mean like I kind of take it to the extreme sometimes but I do think everybody should have a select few bags that fit various categories.  For example, there is a difference between a large everyday bag and a smaller more dressy bag even at weddings I will often see a woman dressed to perfection. She has a beautiful slim fitting dress her shoes are gorgeous, she just looks so nice for this event but she is carrying like a large tote bag that just doesn't look right at all.  So this party could be because of the laziness of changing out the bag and she is kind of more focusing on the outfit, but in my opinion, handbags complete the outfit it just seems really odd to me to be completely dressed up for an occasion but then not tie to look together with the appropriate bag.
10 Fashion mistakes women always Make

At the end of the article, So we made it if you like this article, then share it. Maybe learn something at all I would love for you to read my full article. I would love to have you back and if you guys can think of any fashion mistakes that I didn't cover that really kind of bug you or you think people should kind of be aware of then make sure to comment it down below. I Would love to read what you think there is so many more that I could have mentioned I am kind of interested to see if you guys mentioned those as well, So thank you again for reading and I will see you very very soon in my next article.

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